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Envestnet Financial Technologies, Inc.

Marketing Analytics Case Study

To lay the groundwork for 2023 initiatives, Envestnet set its sights on quick win opportunities surrounding its B2B website’s performance. After a behavioral audit, Noble Studios helped fix several foundational data errors, improving data accuracy and offering insights via Google analytics.

Marketing Analytics Case Study

Making Sense of Mysterious Bounce Rates & Sunsetting UA

It was the perfect storm. An inexplicably low bounce rate on Envestnet’s analytics profile, paired with the sunsetting of Universal Analytics, called for a deep dive into the company’s data and web performance.

With Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Noble Studios set out to offer centralized and automated marketing data visibility. We also analyzed Envestnet’s customer journey to understand how visitors were using their website. Finally, we got to the bottom of the mysterious bounce rate: iframe tracking errors, which we quickly resolved.

It’s not magic: it’s marketing analytics, and the resulting foundation helped strategically position Envestnet to reach its goals in 2023.

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Key Opportunities

Ensure data accuracy by resolving duplicate pageviews and odd bounce rates, which were affecting marketing data and reporting accuracy.

Successfully navigate UA sunsetting and transition reporting/dashboards to GA4, along with daily storage in BigQuery for multi-year comparisons.

Glean more insight into customer behavior and learn how visitors interact with the Envestnet website by understanding the typical user journey and friction points.

marketing analytics case study

Where We Began: Determining Data Accuracy

Foundational data errors prevented Envestnet from understanding how its website was performing. We began our audit here, identifying custom journey points of friction using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

To give the Envestnet team greater access to key metrics (and better monitor their web performance), we created a real-time, evergreen Looker Studio dashboard supported by BigQuery daily storage. We also created an Envestnet campaign-focused dashboard as an example of modeling these tools’ usefulness with other campaign reports.

Centralizing and Automating Marketing Data Visibility

Marketing data visibility matters because it helps businesses understand how their website is performing, as well as how visitors are using it. It also offers insights on cross-channel marketing efforts, saving businesses time and energy sifting through piles of irrelevant information.

With this in mind, Noble Studios set out to centralize and automate Envestnet’s marketing data. We pulled data from multiple platforms, including GA4 and BigQuery. Then, we created a dashboard that would let Envestnet access that data and analyze web performance for years to come. Not only did we provide the tools needed for enhanced campaign performance reporting, we also offered a way for Envestnet to assess its overall marketing performance via multiple digital marketing sources.

Solving Data Difficulties, One Audit at a Time

Noble Studios conducted a marketing data accuracy audit and customer journey analysis to get to the bottom of Envestnet’s data difficulties. During our audit, we identified an iframe tracking error causing an odd bounce rate, and quickly resolved it. We also conducted a Google Analytics 4 audit, during which we analyzed’s web performance from the start of their new website: behavior flow, top pages, engagement metrics, channels, devices, locations and more. We learned what users are doing, how they’re using the website, and gathered key information that will help the Envestnet marketing team make data-driven decisions.

Real-Time Data for Real Results

  • Centralize and Automate Data Visibility
    Centralize and Automate Data Visibility

    The new Looker Studio dashboard offers a simpler, easier way for Envestnet to make sense of key website performance metrics. Supported by BigQuery, Envestnet now has an evergreen way to gather, track and analyze data as it pursues its 2023 goals.

  • Data Accuracy
    Data Accuracy

    A Google Analytics 4 audit helped identify an Iframe tracking error that was artificially deflating the Envestnet website’s bounce rate.

  • Customer Journey Analysis
    Customer Journey Analysis

    An improved user experience was born after identifying opportunities to highlight the CTA on Envestnet’s “Schedule Demo” page. With most traffic coming from paid media, we recommended expanding digital marketing strategies to more channels to improve demand gen conversions.

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