Custom WordPress Development vs. Pre-Built WordPress Themes

Custom WordPress Development vs. Pre-Built WordPress Themes

Building a website in WordPress is a lot like shopping for a suit: you can buy one off the rack, or you can have one custom-made. Custom WordPress development offers something that’s totally yours: a website that fits your brand like–well, like a perfectly tailored suit. In contrast, a pre-built theme can be affordable and ready to buy. (You just might see a few other people wearing the same outfit when you get to the party.)

It’s important to note that neither of these options is necessarily the better choice. Buying a suit off the rack–that is, using a pre-built WordPress theme–can certainly be a time-saver when the wedding is next week. But if you’re after something that’ll last for years (and fits your unique sense of style) it’s well worth your time to explore custom WordPress development services. After all, in the wise words of ZZ Top vocalist Billy Gibbons, “everyone’s crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man.” 

What’s the difference between custom WordPress development and pre-built WordPress themes?

Custom WordPress development is a mix of individualized front-end, back-end, and design services, usually provided by a web development agency. The goal is to build a website tailored to your business’s current and future distinctive needs. Here, the word “custom” is essentially synonymous with “unlimited”--anything is possible with enough time and budget. The finished product is totally unique with a user experience that meets your detailed needs and wants.

WordPress pre-built themes are much simpler. Think of them as the design portion of the service we’ve described above, without the front-end and back-end elements. These third-party themes work out of the box and are generally built by a community of theme builders and profit-minded developers. You can buy them online in theme marketplaces, which means you’re very likely to share the same theme with one, or ten, or a thousand other people who purchased the same one.

Custom WordPress Development

Buying a custom suit is a top-to-bottom bespoke experience. The same is true of custom WordPress development. You’ll work directly with a team of experts whose sole job is to create a beautifully branded website that’s exclusively yours, meets your exact business requirement needs, and is built to last. 

This also means your website will be created with your business goals in mind. Conversion rate optimization, accessibility, SEO and security will all be accounted for in the design, content creation, and build. And as your business grows and changes over the years, you’ll be able to easily update your custom website with new elements as they become standard or leading-edge. (Timeless, like a tuxedo.)

What are the benefits of custom WordPress development?

Complete Control

Don’t like these buttons? Don’t like that pattern? Get rid of them or replace them for features you want. The custom WordPress development experience puts the power in your hands. Create and enhance anything about your website without the limitations that confine pre-built themes and templates. 

Tailored to You

Your business isn’t like any other out there, so why settle for a one-size-fits-all website? When you go the custom route, you’ll have the opportunity to tailor every area of your brand’s new digital home, from design to functionality with no superfluous features or code. Make every bit of real estate work to support your business strategies and delight your customers.

Plug-In Independence

Plug-ins make so much of the world go ‘round that most WordPress websites use them. A plug-in is a way to add functionality, like SEO siloing, or features to your WordPress website by installing either a free or paid model from the plug-in creator.

But the more plug-ins you use, the more likely you are to run into performance, maintenance, and/or security risks in the future. With custom WordPress development services, you can be selective in the plugins you choose and the reliance your website has on them. 

What are the drawbacks of custom WordPress development?

Custom WordPress development services may not be the right choice for every situation. Like every business decision, it is important to balance the pros and cons. Here are a few key factors to consider before you go the custom route.


Like all good things, developing a totally unique website takes time. From stakeholder interviews  and competitive research and analysis, to design and development, there are many steps involved in ensuring your new website is the perfect fit for your business. Many would say that it’s time well spent–but if you’re in a hurry, a phased approach to the custom WordPress development journey may be your next best step. (One leg at a time, of course.)


It helps to think of the service as an investment: upfront costs may be higher, but in the long run, the time spent upfront leads to cost savings on overall site health and performance, future maintenance and website enhancements.  

When does custom WordPress development make sense?

Looking for a sign to seek custom WordPress development services? Here are some conditions to consider, based on our experiences with businesses who came to us for custom websites.

Pre-Built WordPress Themes

There’s a lot to be said for simplicity. And pre-built WordPress themes are just that: simple. Simple as buying a pair of sunglasses, you might say. 

With limited development experience you can visit an online marketplace, browse hundreds or even thousands of pre-built options, purchase one you like, and then go through the journey to build out a working business website. Sure, the fit and finish may not hug the contours of a user experience like a custom WordPress theme, but, there's a pre-built WordPress out there that does most of what you want and at a cheaper price than a custom built website.

What are the benefits of pre-built WordPress themes?

Pre-built WordPress themes offer a fair share of benefits: affordability, speed and variety, to name a few.


Everyone loves a discount. When you buy a pre-built WordPress theme, you’ll pay a fee and have use of that theme with or without the annual support and updates– unless it’s discontinued by the original developer or a newer, non upgradable version is released.


How long did it take you to read the section directly before this one? Because that’s about as long as it’ll take to add a pre-built theme to your WordPress site–a few clicks and reading. There is of course the time it takes to configure the design options available in the theme, the templates, laying out the page content with the provided page builder, etc. but if you know what you are doing, this may not take significant time or require a development background.


The WordPress community, as well as third-party developers, have spent years building a huge marketplace of themes. From retro to modern and classic to contemporary, the choices are endless.

What are the drawbacks of pre-built WordPress themes?

Unfortunately, compromises mean prêt-à-porter will never be bespoke. Where do pre-built WordPress themes fall short? 

Unnecessary Code

Pre-built themes are frequently made to fit as many users’ needs as possible. The more users that fit the theme, the more that buy. Many offer large amounts of features you won’t use and will never use, leaving you with bulky or awkward code that can slow down your site experience to your website visitors as well as your administrative time to maintain your site content

Third-Party Reliance & Features

Marketplace purchased themes come with a prepackaged set of plugins they rely on and available features. If you don’t like the options provided, you may find yourself shopping for even more plugins along the way or restricting your digital strategies to what is available rather than what is possible. 

Standardized User Experience

If user experience matters to you as much as it does to us, you may want to avoid pre-built WordPress themes. Business needs such as custom integrations with first or third party tools like CRMs, career portals, and other services may be restricted. Additionally, trying to tell your story through an immersive digital experience is limited to the functionality available in the theme. 


Unfortunately, there is no universal standard to which pre-built theme developers are held. Anyone can create a theme and put it out into the world. You may uncover an assortment of issues, likeversion or plugin incompatibilities, security holes, performance or page speed latencies, little to no consideration for accessibility or SEO standards.

This is not to say that all pre-built themes experience the same fates, but it is critical that you select the theme that’s right for your business needs and goals.


The web industry changes rapidly and thus your digital experience must too. What is important now, may not be later and a pre-built theme may restrict ability to pivot around such changes as:

When do Pre-Built WordPress Themes make sense?

Pre-built themes can be a mixed bag when it comes to website creation, but there are absolutely times when we recommend them. It all depends on your goals for your business.

Choosing Custom WordPress Development Services: What to Look for

If you’ve decided a custom solution is right for you, the most important thing is choosing a service provider that fits your needs. Remember, custom WordPress development is a multi-phased approach–research and discovery, performant strategy and implementation, design, development, quality assurance, and post-launch support–so be sure you’re getting the full package from the start.


There’s a time and a place for pre-built WordPress themes and custom WordPress websites. The one that’s right for your business? Well, that depends on you. 

It’s no secret that we pride ourselves on our reputation as a creative digital performance agency. We love opportunities to delve deeply into the website creation process, mixing our digital prowess and creative chops to make something that’s totally unique and totally yours. Not only that, we know that when we start with a website, whether it's a custom or pre-built theme, it’s easy to build an integrated strategy around it–one that can serve your business for years to come.

Ready to learn more about our agency’s approach to custom WordPress websites? Contact us to talk shop (or talk about your favorite ZZ Top song–we’re not picky).

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