Google’s New Broad Core Algorithm Update – May 2022

Google’s New Broad Core Algorithm Update – May 2022

May 2022 Core Update

On May 25, 2022, Google started releasing a new broad core algorithm update, called the May 2022 Core Update. Google stated that the rollout would take approximately two weeks to complete.

The most recent core update to Google was in November 2021, over six months ago.

Google states that core updates are “designed to increase the overall relevancy of our search results and make them more helpful and useful for everyone.” 

Since the rollout started on May 25, 2022, the tracking tools have indicated a high level of volatility in Google search results for much of the night.

When Did the Rollout Start?

Many SEOers felt this started weeks ago.

Any volatility before May 25th was likely unrelated to the update. Perhaps Google was simply testing this core update in limited markets. John Mueller of Google tweeted that “when we announce core updates, we start the rollout at that point, not beforehand,” but has since removed the Tweet, which may imply Google did actually roll it out sooner.

What to Do if a Core Update Negatively Impacts You

Google’s general advice regarding core updates is as follows: 

How Volatile Has it Been?

SEMrush Sensor has reported a 9.4 for volatility.
Both Mobile and Desktop SERPs are being affected.
RankRanger shows desktops being affected on May 8 and May 25, 2022.
RankRanger shows mobile is slightly more affected than desktop.
SERPmetrics shows an influx starting May 8, and now again on May 25, 2022.
Advanced Web Ranking shows a considerable increase in SERP changes since May 2022 Core Update.
GRUMP chart from AccuRanker has shown changes all of May.
SERPwoo shows mobile being more affected than desktop SERPs.

What We Have Seen So Far with the May 2022 Google Core Algorithm Update

We have seen that keywords with an MSV of less than 10,000 per month have seen the most significant amount of volatility. This may just be a first wave issue, but something to consider nonetheless.

We have also seen large fluctuations with the different SERP features for both the percentage of SERPs that contain them and the actual position on the page for them.

As with all core algorithm updates, your rankings will likely fluctuate during the first few weeks, so don’t be alarmed if you notice changes right away, and do not make knee-jerk reactions as they may level out in a few weeks. Unless you have significant negative changes (-10+), we suggest planning for what to do but do not push those changes live for two weeks. Any changes already in your workflow continue as if the algorithm changes did not exist.

Most Affected Industries

Least Affected Industries

[Last Updated: June 3, 2022]

There has been a significant slowing down of the impacts over the last two days; we still see volatility within a few industries. These include; Arts & Entertainment, Games, Home & Garden, Internet & Telecom, Jobs & Education, Law & Government, Online Communities, Shopping, Sports, and especially News sites. Real Estate sites seem to be the least affected sites from the May 2022 core update.

Overall, SERP features continue to see fluctuations, with ads at the top of the page seeing the most significant decreases and knowledge panels and images seeing the largest increases.

Keywords we have seen that have taken the biggest hits (besides those less than 10k MSV) appear to be more informational and less commercial. Navigational terms have been the least affected. Informational keywords that have seen increases tend to be on pages not trying to rank for too many keywords (focusing on 3-5) and have strong content for those specific keywords.

We will continue to update the SEO community as we have more information.

Has your SEO performance remained stagnant? Contact Noble Studios for help.

What Other SEOs are Saying About Google's May Core Update

As always there are winners and losers in the core algorithm update world. What we have consistently found is that good content, properly structured and linked to from within your site, usually has protected most sites from seeing issues. Remember, Google makes these changes based on large amounts of user data, in an attempt to provide the best experience for their users. There may be micro algorithm updates in the near future, but don't expect if your site has lost significant traffic that by waiting for Google to adjust, the traffic will magically reappear. In most cases, there is something either wrong with your foundational setup, or poor planning on the content and its structure. If you can't find it, it may be time to bring in Noble Studios to help.

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