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Digging Deeper: B2B Content Marketing Funnel Exploration in GA4

August 23, 2023

GA4 Funnel Explorations

Imagine your B2B marketing strategy is like a garden. 

Prospects are the annuals that flower all year long, producing marketing qualified leads (MQLs) regardless of season. In another section of the garden, conversions and data grow alongside each other to produce a bounty of sales qualified leads (SQLs) at harvest time. Nothing beats the moment when all your watering, tilling and pruning culminates in a ripe, juicy conversion, right?   

To harvest all of this success, though,  you need robust marketing analytics providing fertile soil and key insights to help strategize and nurture growth. One vital nutrient for fertilizing data-informed marketing is funnel exploration in Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

GA4 funnels provide the visibility needed to cultivate an effective strategy that blossoms into more leads and conversions. This article will explore how GA4’s flexible funnel features can help B2B marketers optimize every stage of their customer journey and B2B content marketing strategy. 

What is Funnel Exploration in GA4?

Funnel exploration allows you to view your website visitors’ progression through a series of predefined steps or events leading up to a goal conversion.

In Universal Analytics, funnels were limited and required events to be modified to fit a funnel. But GA4’s funnel exploration is far more flexible since everything can be configured as an event.

This means you can create custom events to track key interactions, such as:

  • Form submissions
  • Button/CTA clicks
  • Content downloads

With this event-based structure, GA4 funnels provide a detailed understanding of how users move through your website and convert.

Key benefits for B2B marketers include:

  • Mapping your audiences’ journeys from initial interaction to final conversion
  • Identifying trends and patterns in website behavior
  • Gaining insight into drop-off points in the customer journey
  • Optimizing your website and content marketing strategy

In short, GA4 funnel analysis allows you to visualize the path to conversion and pinpoint optimization opportunities at each stage of the funnel.

Constructing a B2B Marketing Funnel

Implementing an effective GA4 funnel requires careful planning and setup to provide actionable insights. As an initial strategic step, identify the key events that reflect your audience’s journey from awareness to conversion.

To determine optimal events, start by defining the ultimate conversion goal. In complex B2B sales cycles, this may be an offline event like a closed deal. More realistically, identify a preceding online conversion point like a high-value form submission.

With the final step established, work methodically backwards through the typical stages of your customer journey. Select two to four online events that logically lead up to the goal conversion for each earlier stage.

For example, include email newsletter sign-ups to track initial brand awareness. Then measure content downloads at the consideration stage, and add form fills for high-intent pages like pricing and demos.

When choosing specific event types, prioritize interactions with depth over simple clicks. For instance, properly configured form submission events on key pages provide richer behavioral data compared to button clicks alone.


Additionally, take care to avoid implementation pitfalls. Confirm your events are tracking correctly to accurately reflect the user journey. For form tracking, trigger events on successful submits rather than just clicks.

You should be careful not to choose too many events preceding your final conversion. When you are creating your B2B Funnel Exploration in GA4 you will likely only have two to four “steps.” This is because funnels are representative of linear behavior flows and B2B, unlike ecommerce, does not have a checkout funnel where every visitor is forced to take a linear route. Keep this in mind when building your own funnel.

With strategic event selection and sequencing in place, the resulting funnel framework provides enhanced visibility into how visitors progress toward conversion. Marketers can then leverage these insights to optimize each stage of the customer journey for improved results.

Using Funnels to Understand Your Audience

At this point, it’s time to put the “fun” in “funnel.” Once your funnel is set up, you can start leveraging it to analyze your website audiences and their behavior.

One powerful use case is comparing the journeys of different segments. For example, view the funnel progression for leads that converted versus those that dropped out of your funnel.

This shines a light on where your messaging or offers may be missing the mark with non-converting leads. Are they dropping off at the same stage? This indicates an issue with that particular page or CTA.

Funnel analysis also reveals overall drop-off points in your audience’s journey. Let’s say 30% of users proceed from your blog to the pricing page, but only 15% click through to the demo request form.

This demonstrates a failure to convince readers of the value of a demo. Using this insight, you could optimize your pricing or value proposition pages to improve conversion rates.

B2B Funnel Metrics to Guide Your Strategy

In addition to understanding your audiences’ behavior, GA4 funnel data provides valuable metrics to inform your overall B2B digital strategy.

For example, view your funnel conversion rates broken down by channel to gauge ROI and optimize spending. If social media visitors have lower funnel completion rates than organic search, you may decide to shift budget accordingly.

Examining time between steps is another useful metric, especially in complex B2B sales cycles. Seeing that it takes 2 weeks on average from demo request to sales qualification can highlight inefficiencies in your sales process.

Funnels for Content Marketing Strategy

Funnel analysis isn’t just useful for your website experience. It also provides powerful insights for structuring your content and measuring its impact.

When mapping your audience’s journey, you can determine what types of content resonate at each stage of the funnel. For example, blogs and guides may be ideal for top of funnel, while case studies work better in the middle to nurture leads.

You can also connect your content directly to funnel progression with UTM campaign tagging. Track newsletter clicks, gated offer downloads, and other content events as part of your funnel flow.

This reveals how your content initiatives are influencing conversions, helping you double down on what’s working and eliminate ineffective tactics.

In your GA4 reports, examine your content marketing funnel to identify successes. For instance, if 50 percent  of blog subscribers eventually request a demo, you can confidently invest more in subscriber lead generation.

b2b funnel exploration

Harvesting Insights

For today’s data-driven B2B marketer, leveraging GA4 funnel exploration provides fertile ground for an effective strategy. Robust funnel data fertilizes optimization efforts across each stage of the customer journey.

To recap, key benefits include:

  • Customizable funnels reflecting complex B2B journeys
  • Comparing segments to pinpoint optimization opportunities
  • Identifying drop-off points limiting conversions
  • Informing spending and process decisions with funnel metrics
  • Mapping content impact to guide strategy

Like a gardener monitoring soil conditions, GA4 funnel analysis gives crucial visibility to nurture greater success. Contact us to learn more about implementing GA4 funnels to help fertilize your B2B marketing strategy. Our team of analytics experts can assist with setup, reporting, analysis and identifying high-yield optimizations to help your strategy blossom.

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