Protect Your Digital Brand During COVID-19 With This Checklist

Protect Your Digital Brand During COVID-19 With This Checklist
When we (the world or even a single company) handle a crisis, it can feel chaotic. There is so much to account for, and it's easy for things to fall through the cracks--especially when it comes to your digital presence across platforms like Facebook, Google and Yelp. We're here to help with that. 

Local Business Listings

Have you updated your Google My Business or Yelp! listings? Updating your local listings to reflect the latest information on your business will help keep customers connected to you.  Are you a coffee shop offering to-go orders? Are you a realty company now offering virtual tours? During such an uncertain time, it’s crucial for businesses to supply people with the information they are looking for, quickly and easily.

Google Ad Campaigns

When is the last time you checked in on your Google Ads campaign settings? Do you have automation technology-enabled within your account? Are you protecting yourself from being shown on COVID-19 related searches? Have you audited the creative leveraged in display campaigns? User behavior is not the same as it was earlier in 2020. Now that many people are working from home we’ve seen searches start to occur during all hours of the day, rather than the normal off business hours, and more people search from desktop devices as opposed to mobile. The dynamics of search behavior are changing and businesses need to check their campaign setup and structure to ensure their strategies can adapt to the changing dynamics.


Throughout March, Facebook saw an increase in usage, primarily with their messaging services; the usage also enabled users to start using the feed and stories to get information from family, friends and even businesses. Ensure your Facebook Business Page is updated with the most current information on how your business is evolving during the COVID-19 crisis. Are there questions you know your customers want information on? Create an FAQ. Do you have business updates or offers that need to stay top of mind? Pin it.  As Facebook Ads continue to be more image-focused with less text included, now is the time to dive in and review your image selection and strategy. Is the tone appropriate? Are you providing your customers with value? Is the imagery relevant in today’s environment? We know from COVID-19 search trends that people are on the hunt for all sorts of products and solutions. If they find your business and the information is out of date, you're setting them up for a terribly confusing experience and, of course, they may not become a customer at all. Luckily, our team has developed a checklist of things to address, check and update in times of change, just like now. Use these slides to help you protect and update your digital brand presence.
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