The Growing Role of Digital Marketing in B2B Sales

Late last month, Noble Studios CEO Jarrod Lopiccolo hosted a masterclass in Bristol, U.K. titled “The Growing Role of Digital Marketing in B2B Sales". He shared key learnings and advice with local businesses about how B2B companies can leverage digital marketing strategies for maximum ROI.
Jarrod debunked common myths around digital marketing’s effectiveness in B2B sales, like "Email marketing being too old school." and “People only buy from people.” He discussed how B2B companies can benefit from digital marketing strategies often reserved for B2C companies, starting with developing a strong brand.
Jarrod explained how just because B2C and B2B marketing strategies are different doesn’t mean digital is exclusively a B2C tactic; in fact, there’s nothing farther from the truth. B2B is still about marketing to people, and people are online. B2B companies have the same capabilities to target audiences with precision just as much as a B2C company. All it takes is figuring out what marketing methods fit into the goals of your sales strategy and leveraging the right sales technology tools to help make those goals a reality.
Jarrod concluded the masterclass showcasing the impact of Noble Studios’ integrated search strategy developed for B2B client Marshall Strategy. Leveraging Noble’s topic clustering methodology with a complimentary paid search strategy, qualified leads and website traffic increased organic traffic by 160%.
Interested in launching your own B2B digital strategy with Noble Studios? Contact us for more information.